I couldn't spend too much time reading the ridiculous bald assertions and dishonesty on this site without shaking my head and laughing! If you want to learn about and understand science, don't use this site. It is full of errors, misconceptions and flat out lies.
Contrary to what the other reviewer said, this site contains a great amount of scientific knowledge all referenced from scientific papers. Take the big bang theory, the site has an article about that and explains it and doesn't even mention God until the last paragraph as a philosophical question concerning the First cause argument.
The other reviewer had a problem with the site because it has some articles arguing that intelligent design is true. However as I stated before the articles all contain references and sources and I doubt the other reviewer even read completely through all the articles in his atheistic bias.
Theories such as spontaneous generation (which has returned as abiogenesis) were debunked centuries ago and evidence for the fine tuning of our universe is plenty which most physicists agree with (as physicist Paul Davies himself said).
As a science teacher who has taught for 30 years, and been a research biophysicist, I consider this to be a theological site masquerading as scientific. I offer it to my students as an example of pseudoscience. A quick trip to "evolution" on this site exposes their intent. They start off with 3 pages of scientific fallability and follow with standard creationist objections to evolution theory. No scientifically acceptable theory for the diversity and age of life on Earth is put forward. If you check on the site allaboutgod.org you will find that the so called science site is under its unbrella. Just quoting valid scientific papers, while twisting their conclusions to justify biblical beliefs, is not science.
This website is NOT officially endorsed by the Scientific community; this website's goal is to show the 'Religious point-of-view' of Science is, and not the entirety of what science encompass as a whole, nor are they presenting a valid scientific truth."
I've read all their articles and all the underlying commentaries for each are incomplete thoughts on scientific knowledge, and are lobbying creationism and intelligent design material - both of which have been repeatedly dismissed by prestigious Universities and prominent Scientists as fallacious and not even a real science.
Their deceptions are unacceptable, and I believe it is quite illegal to falsely title their website, "All About Science", when their website does not completely show anything knowledgeable in the pursuit of scientific knowledge.
This site is the most horrid and dangerous of fundamentalist propaganda masquerading as science when it is in fact hell bent on stoking the fires of ignorance.
False-flag, fifth-columnists, religious fundamentalists posing as truth-seekers. Arguments built on the same foundation of sand -- faith. These clever Bible thumpers continue to spin evidence to fit their forgone conclusion -- God did it. Hundreds of years ago, their ancestors said God tinkered in everyday life, except for the times that "the devil made me do it." Science gradually explained the way the world works, which took the levers out of God's hands. Ever since The Age of Reason began to shed light on the dark mysteries of natural processes, the fundamentalists have retreated into smaller and smaller puddles of darkness, where science has not yet figured out what happens in there. These puddles of darkness are what is left to credit God with, and they are ever-shrinking. But, christian religion is simple, compared to the hard work of understanding and appreciating science. Pray, get baptized, count on forgiveness as long as you've done that, die and go to heaven for eternity. Wow. No natural process, described scientifically, proceeds in a straight-line, linear fashion like that. But birth-baptism-pray-die-heaven does;. Right. Zero evidence, of course. Faith, that's the key. Okay. Let a complete stranger, drawn from the phone book, take out your appendix. Have faith that that stranger has medical training. See how that works out. These creationists will continue to drape their fundamental nature in facades of science-sounding fallacies. Take a ruler. Now bend it into a pretzel, as creationists do with the scientific process. Not measure your foot with the pretzel-ruler. Then buy shoes, based on that measurement. Nuff said.