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April 28, 2011

Alex - One of my favourite cartoons.

Alex, the cynical, rude, selfish, manipulating, wealth and status obsessed banker, grew out of Thatcher's 1980s boom years on the line of Gordon Gekko – 'Greed is Good'. He is offset by his friend and colleague Clive, long-suffering wife Penny, son Christopher and many other cleverly drawn characters.

The cartoons, produced by the collaborative duo of Charles Peattie and Russell Taylor poke sharp points into the inanities and hypocrisy of big business and banking in particular. The twists are usually funny, the many characters often recognizable and the storyline usually up to date and relevant.

If you've missed the rise of Alex from its life at the Daily News in 1987 to the Independent and finally to the Daily Telegraph in 1992 (still its current home) you can get the back story and character resumes from:

Love it.

Date of experience: April 28, 2011