I have 44 items listed on here currently (May 2017). I'm also on other selling websites. I've sold two items on here. I know this site is still new, actually my 25 yr old daughter recently told me about it. I'd love to try the 5 Miles Wallet, but I haven't seen anyone using it on here yet. If I see someone using it, I'm going to ask lots of questions on their experience. I just don't want to give them all my credit card information without having piece of mind! That's frightening!
This site tracks how many views you get and how many offers you get daily. You also get reviewed and rated like on Ebay.
I really hate that I can't edit my ads or answer messages on my laptop. I dislike that if I want to post pictures from my phone directly on the app I have to crop them. I don't want to crop a picture I took specifically to post!
It's been a slow ride on here, but I'm optimistic that this site may pick up.
The biggest complaint isn't about this site, it's about the people who have bought from me - they are always LATE when meeting! Ugh!