I would give it a zero rating if I could.
I called Saturday afternoon looking for a 24 hour dentist. Well they didn't have one! Spent 15 min giving all my information explaining I needed a WISDOM tooth pulled. Finally they made me an appointment for Monday, 35 min from my home, supposedly there was no one closer. Went to the appointment and the dentist office had no clue who I was, nothing in their system, and their office doesn't even pull wisdom teeth.
I lost time at work, lost time actually finding a dentist, and needed to figure out how to deal with my pain. Went to my car and called my sons dentist. They took me in on Wednesday (best they could do), pulled it on site and I only drove 5 min away from my home. So I lost time at work for two separate days cause 1800dentist is clueless.
This is the worst tricky company who not only SCAM THE PATIENTS, BUT ALSO THE DENTISTS. I am a dentist who was mislead by 1800 dentist rep to enroll in their referral program. They took thousands of dollars from my credit card based on lies. They charged me $200 for every patient that they referred. Patients who did not even pick up the phone when we called them to set up an appointment.
BEWARE guys! This company charges the doctors for every patient that they refer! So the dentist must charge the patient much more than normal to recover the cost of referral. Also remember, any dentist (good or bad) can enroll in their program as long as they pay this company their $200 dollar referral fee for each patient. Hence, you are paying much more to a dentist who no one knows how good that dentist is. I WARN EVERYONE NOT TO TRUST THIS COMPANY WHICH IS ALSO CALLED "FUTUREDONTICS". I AM TAKING THEM TO SMALL CLAMS COURT.
Really really bad costumer service and just a bunch of people trying to steal the practice's money. Don't use this service. Go to Zoc Doc, FB ads etc.
I needed a emergency appointment for a dentist on a saturday for a cracked tooth and 1-800-Dentist got me a dentist in a few short minutes. Definitly life savors. Thank you
A beautiful mouth should not be priced at buying a house
So I've been wrestling with telling the truth about this for a while I wear a denture at 67 when I was a Youngster they did not keep your teeth they pulled your teeth and I ended up losing a lot of teeth so I purchased a denture I lost my denture a few days ago and have to replace it but this is the deal folks nobody today should be wearing dentures implants are the future and it's 2018 and Dentists are still pushing Dentures on everyday people. Implants cost $30,000 per mouth if everyone was wearing implants we would have no need for dentures now I know I am telling on myself and my vanity kept me from talking about this but I am bigger than my vanity I am really considering doing a GoFundMe for people that need a beautiful mouth and do people one at a time one on one. We as Americans should not be going through this. Dentists need to stop these practices and these high prices and make implants affordable for everyone.
Some people are born with teeth on top of teeth they shouldn't have to feel slighted because of their teeth everyone should have beautiful teeth and Dentists are not doing their job they're charging exorbitant rates. Only celebrities can afford a beautiful mouth that is wrong and needs to be changed and I'm going to make this a national conversation.
I'm going to start saving for new teeth but I have to talk about it it's been heavy on my heart for awhile and I've been very quiet about it I pushed it aside but I can no longer do that/ other people are suffering I'm suffering and the country is suffering at large because of this. Dentists need to grow a heart stop pushing those dentures and give the countries worldwide and the people they live in dental implants. This is the future for America stop living in the dinosaur age. Dentists need to retire the dentures. I'm going to put this on my blog and publish it as a story for all in the world to see this must change.
Answer: The empty promises they did to trick me to enroll in their referral program.
Answer: No succsess story using 1800 dentist. They mislead me and ripped me off $4000 dollars
Answer: They are the worst! Tricking the patients and the dentists