Questions & Answers

Yes I need full name of the girls I meet?

Asked by justin e. on 7/17/2015

12 Answers
Molly P.7/17/2015

I am female, I do not like the site but on any site I would hesitate to give out info before chatting a bit, I would actually prefer meeting the person face to face in an open forum before I give a lot of info. I have given email address and a text phone number but I got stalked through texting and I can not be sure the men are from where they say they are, so caution is appropriate. I think all sites are a lot of chatting and very little dating, this one is just really money hungry.
Don J.7/17/2015

I can't believe you expect that! The whole idea is anonymity until people are comfortable with exchanging personal info.
Ray S.7/17/2015

Most of the profiles in Zoosk aren't even current, so what you are seeing are basically phantom profiles. For instance, once you decide not to renew your profile, they keep your profile up anway [instead of taking it down] and they use it sending out mechanical greetings attached to your profile to unsuspecting members. In other words, don't be expecting anyone to even write back. Chances are you will be communicating with an old profile that has expired a long time ago.
Al k.7/17/2015

Usually I can give a good response but as far as getting names or wanting full names why don't you just get therapy now
Suzanneq S.7/18/2015

Only a naive idiot would give their full name until they meet & are actually comfortably dating!
Connie E.7/18/2015

That is up to the person if she/ he wants to give you their full name. I would not exchange personal info until you are comfortable with the person. Entirely too many scammers out there. When I knew my membership was ending, I deleted my information. I know that they use profiles that are no longer active in their Carousel feature.
shannon j.7/17/2015

Never gonna happen
Herman M.7/17/2015

If you think you do... you'd be a CREEPER :/
Patti L.7/17/2015

Names?!?! Are you high? No you're not going to get names! Jeez.
herb m.7/17/2015

The text me are all on text only burners.
The site is ugly slow. Everything ends in $$$
Try anything else

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