Is it necessary to buy coins/
Asked by Colleen T. on 8/20/2016
56 Answers
Kevin W.8/21/2016
NO MA'AM IT IS NOT. In fact I only used the coins when I could get them for free. Under the system that's no longer possible. Nobody takes that sort of thing seriously, and for a woman it's even less relevant.
Susan T.8/21/2016
No. You can earn credit by viewing photos. It does limit the credit you get, but is one way not to have to buy coins. Note: If you do buy coins, make sure it doesn't set you up to have your debit/credit card hit monthly.
Phil C.8/20/2016
Hi Coleen The site is set up to get the member to spend money. I did not buy coins as I was able to message others on the site. However the genuine people are very few, for example I had messages to say someone viewed me of wanted to meet but when I got in touch the ladies had not viewed or requested to meet. Avoid this site, took me a month of complaining to get my money back?
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