If your blocked on zoosk will it say message read or am I being blown off
Asked by Kay H. on 11/20/2015
13 Answers
tom r.11/21/2015
Chances are you're sending a message to someone that was a member long ago and isn't registered any longer. Zoosk is a total scam.
barry s.11/21/2015
This site is full off pay and keep paying a money making machine don't bother with it be warned block and the profile disappears that all!
john s.11/20/2015
Not sure what your question means, Kay H., but in order to see if a message has been read, you not only have to pay the 80 bucks to be a subscriber... but you also have to play "Carousel" for "credits". LOL. Seriously... I'm surprised nobody has shot the proprieters of this ripoff site yet.
robert s.11/21/2015
If you are blocked that means that person doesn't want u to contact them. Ive blocked a few people.
Joseph M.7/29/2022
Zoosk website sucks. Find somewhere else to find your right one. I really dislike their communications technology. It's terrible. Really terrible.
Debbie B.9/27/2019
I block someone and they keep coming back. The block doesn't work for me. Customer Service says, unblock some people on your blocked list. Is there a limit to how many you can block?
Carol P.11/21/2015
It might say they read it, but cannot answer unless they are a member who has paid his subscription fees. And this you can't find out, so your just sending messages to someone that can't answer even if they want to unless they pay dues. So the website just leaves them on there to try and get them to subscribe, but they may have cancelled months before. They leave them there for bait. When you leave instruct them to remove your pictures and profile or they will use you as bait as well. A rip off? Yes!
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