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Hi I just spoke to a Yodel rep. It was a sales call and I recognised it as one they are very knowledgeable. My question is that reviews being one of their areas of expertise, how many of the reviews on this site have been generated by Yodle?

Asked by Paul V. on 2/9/2015

9 Answers
Scott E.4/28/2015

Run Forest Run. They make promises. They will put wrong info on the web. Who spends 600.00 Before a return if you gat that. Run Forest Run
Kent E.7/21/2015

I've had zero calls. I'm not happy.
Rick D.4/28/2015

I own an insurance agency. They made lots of promises and failed to deliver. This could be an industry specific problem. My main issue is that when I cancelled they charged me for an extra month of service. I have emails and proof I wanted out and they ignored me, charged me and then would not even discuss it with me.
Josh C.3/18/2015

Do not trust them.
Sally L.7/21/2015

You will never know; they do sound very knowledgeable; they only have to sell everyone one time.
spam T.6/25/2015

Google the name of the poster and look to see if a match on Yodle website comes up as an employee.
Amber M.6/24/2015

Our firm also has legalmatch.com. Yodel has been far more successful in generating new business for us!
Tim E.4/7/2015

My name is Tim Ellison, and I operate Mr. Godwrench Automotive in West Chester, Ohio. I too was very skeptical about Yodel, and I refuse to be pushed into anything. I looked over the program and done some investigating and found out Yodle has a love hate deal. Reviews are about 50/50... but for us it has been awesome. You have to work the program at first but after a few weeks if you do your part, in my opinion "it works"!
Cara S.4/7/2015

The reviews are genuine. They ASK happy customers to write them. I know because they asked me and I did write one for them. However I will say while we were really happy the first six months, they completely fell apart after that and we wound up cancelling the service with them.

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