Questions & Answers

Here’s what buyers have asked with answers from Yodle staff and previous consumers.

questions answered
answered within 1 day
I received a few leads that actually worked out. However, it wasn't enough to justify using them in the first place. The leads seemed to come in when I had signed up for their "google ads marketing" addition. So basically, the google ads provided 80%-100% of the leads, not Yodle. I Would've been better off spending my money on Google Ads written myself.
By Jay U., over a year old

Yodle only cost me money and quite a bit of frustration! Tony
By Anthony C., over a year old

I have a spare wet-vac if you have extra cash laying about. Give me a call. It would be a better application of energy use.
By Sally L., over a year old

If you get a website made. The search engine go by the 2nd letter in order for your site to be pulled up quickly. You would be better off doing your own social media marketing, joining the BBB and Y and white pages of phone book. Magnetic vehicle signs, etc. Need more free tips email me at rstoutmire@yahoo.com subject line Javier S. Contractor. Hope this help you but don't pay any company any money for any work. Rhonda S.
By rhonda s., over a year old

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How long does shipping take?
What is the return policy?
Where is the company located?