Questions & Answers

Is Wrist-Band a scam or a legit company?

Asked by Sarah R. on 3/9/2020

7 Answers
Suzanne R.11/10/2020

SCAM! SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM. They lie, cheat and refuse to address a grievance.
Julie S.7/7/2020

SCAM! DO NOT ORDER. They lie about shipping times, and they send wrong product, and no refunds.
Melinda Y.6/17/2020

It is a scam! Horrible customer service! Products are awful and do not WORK!
An C.5/17/2020

It is a Scam. Stay away. They are false advertisers, price gougers. Own experience.
Gary W.4/25/2020

They are either a scam or a legit company with unethical business practices, such as refusing to cancel orders and issue refunds due to THEIR delays.
SCOTT S.4/18/2020

"Legit" with major caveats. They overcharged, sent the wrong size and lied about one size fots all.
ZsaZsa S.3/9/2020

Wrist-Band is a real company but their products and services may as well be a scam!

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