Questions & Answers

Here’s what buyers have asked with answers from TrinitySolar staff and previous consumers.

questions answered
answered within 1 day
Return? LOL Yeah right. Good luck with that. You're locked into a loooong term contract and can't sell your home unless the buyer assumes it! And don't believe their line that a potential buyer will see it as a plus. Sure... until they know that they will be hooked into that contract AND that a lien is placed on their mortgage!
By Ken L., over a year old

They did mine because you agree to purchase all the power they produce for 20-25 years
By William S., over a year old

With the lease they insure the panels because they belong to them your home owners takes care of your house less the first year if they are the cause of the damage like roof leak or fire. I have State Farm and a add on to the policy which only cost a few dollars which mean State farm makes me Whole then seek remedies if any from the contractors or MFG for damage caused. IE a plumber accidentally caught the house on fire do to soldering a pipe. It was truly a accident on his part and the fire was not noticed for hours. State farm has step in and spent over 70 k to date all the limits on my policy are applied
By William S., over a year old

And if you still have a mortgage on your home, ask these worms straight out about the LIEN they place on your home for the system! Plus, you cannnot sell your home unless the buyer agrees to take over their contract!
By Ken L., over a year old

6 months
By Dennis S., over a year old

Keep reading the complaints on this company from various sites. I did, just before their sales rep was going to show up. And I cancelled immediately! One horror story after another! Gift cards that are never sent. Shoddy workmanship. Power companies that say that there are not enough solar panels to provide the energy required to save $$$ that is promised, so the home owner now ends up paying MORE to BOTH companies! Liens placed against your mortgage for the duration of the contract. The home can only be sold if the buyer agrees to take that contract over... and more. RUN!
By Ken L., over a year old

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