Questions & Answers

Here’s what buyers have asked with answers from TogetherWeServed staff and previous consumers.

questions answered
answered within 1 day
Hi Bobby. No, you can search for anyone you knew. If you are on a PC you can use the quick search in top right to search by name, or use the search tab top right to search by name, rank, service years even nickname or a combination of all of the above. On a phone/tablet, search by clicking on the 3 orange menu lines at the top left and the search box is right at the top of the menu so you can search by name. Diane Short TWS Chief Admin
By Diane S., over a year old

Anthony, have you used our online help at the lower left of any TWS page? We are there 12 hours a day, 7 days a week to assist you. Did you watch the video? It will walk you through it. The help is there, you just have to ask for it.
By Diane S., over a year old

I am sorry you are having trouble with this feature and I feel you pain. We are a very small team of people and most are volunteers. If you are still wanting to know how to get your Facebook Cover, please follow these steps: 1. Log into TWS. 2. Click on Facebook Cover. 3. Click on Email Me My Cover. 4. Click on Send Cover (so long as your email address is correct which it should be). 5. Open your email. 6. Open the email from TWS (check your spam folder if not in your in-box). 7. Click on the image of your cover and this will open it on your browser. 8. Right click on the image and save to your device. (Remember where you saved it.) 9. Go to your wall on Facebook. 10. Move your mouse to the top left corner where the little camera is and click on it. 11. Click on the choice Upload Photo. 12. Navigate to where you saved your photo and select it; then click Open. 13. Adjust placement as needed. 14. Click on Save Changes (just below and at the bottom right of your new image). Hope this helps. If you need assistance, please don't hesitate to ask us for it.
By Monica P., over a year old

Here is the log in page for Army: Together We Served. If you need a different branch then just click on the corresponding title for the one you need.![Image of log in page for Army: TWS]( =x)
By Monica P., over a year old

Hello, if you are still interested in joining, please go to or search for Army Together We Served. If you encounter any problems, be certain to use the Together We Served Help Desk (it appears on the bottom left of the sign up page). Please keep in mind, we are a small team of people and the site has been making improvements over the years.
By Monica P., over a year old

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How long does shipping take?
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Where is the company located?