. I am a Technician( Not for TigerD though) and its seems to be a variety of either good experiences( provided the purchase was not refurbished) and very poor if it was, and that is odd because believe or not refurbished electronics usually catches all possible problems unless, you didn't research the item as New and what its rating was then, and if it had numerous lemon problems then(new), well steer clear no matter whether its refurbished or Not. Printers, refurbished is a tricky one too, if high mechanical failure is the issue no refurbishment is ever going to secure a reliable product, Imaging issues yes, that is easy to resolve, but moving parts no way! Where does the I touch fall, under what category?, well that is a bone of contention when I see people buy those big expensive ITOUCH HP all in one PC desk tops, your asking for trouble when your only bay for a DVD is built into the screen no less the hard drive, and think about this all these touch screen devices a relatively 3-4 yrs old including PDA cellular. When the First Volume of I phones comes back to refurbished( 2008-up), just think about it technology that was in its infancy at only 4 yrs ago any refurbishment is going to be sticking back in the same hardware that it was originally designed with, so it follow there would no greater improvement of life span of 3-4 yrs and if it worked with a ever changing network no less. We forget the lessons of the 1990's when no one in right mind bought any software with a the first version Windows95 point Zero WindowsME for example or the first DVD players at $600 dollars, you just waited till they got the bugs out or price to go down, If it was 300-400 dollars 3-4 yrs ago for that I Touch and now $160 they probably bought 1000 of them for $10 dollars each, no doubt I see it on the line every day, Bottom line visit the technician troubleshooting sites for what your are about to buy and read the posts and questions, if you see numerous" It won't turn on, Power Supply dead" or never charges battery, BIOS always corrupted, then that's a sign, or Mouse doesn't move, If you see simple fixes like, check setting under Tools and uncheck this... and display will not flicker or needs download patch, its a chance you be okay. The Hoot of here I'm typing this on a HP Pavilion SR1720NX, a work horse running 8 gigs of memory and a processor upgrade, I picked this jewel up reading all the fancy up grades And that is was capable of and cross reference parts that fit and worked, power supply, graphics hooked now to a flat screen with HDMI and I won't give up Windows XP till my dieing breath, even have Windows 7 on an alternate drive but it does me No good digging deep into programing guts or writing boo-table programs on USB, don't take for granted what the consumer sites claim with 5 stars, go to the technician sites and read what the repair people say. But this is still no excuse for TigerD with the level of Business they do, what would kill them to send another $10 I Touch in the mail for an exchange? And tell them that, if they throw at you " Should have bough
Asked by James A. on 3/3/2012
3 Answers
Roy R.1/18/2010
Tiger will rip you off if they get the chance i orded a computer from they that i never got and they still have my money and will not give it back i have to take them to court they are not moral people
Bobby K.1/18/2010
What happenend? What type of computer did you order? I have ordered from them in the past and had a decent experience, but your post worries me that maybe I just got lucky
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