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Ok, so - what is going on here? We have used Paypal for 5 years, not a single dime lost in disputed charges etc. We have for a significantly shorter time and within weeks of using them we receive "Disputes" for goods shipped with tracking. Then it was ok, and now recently disputes have arrived again. When Stripe email us about a "DISPUTE" - we respond with tracking details, at which point they take back all of the money + $25 dispute fee, and they keep all of the fees also? At this point it's a waiting game and we're told that our payment being returned to us is dependent UPON THE CARDHOLDER'S BANK? Excuse me if i'm wrong here, but surely the CARDHOLDER'S BANK is always going to favour their own customer which means you'll lose out of pocket even when you've shipped the item with evidence provided etc. We received one dispute > provided evidence of shipment delivery >> STRIPE EMAIL US "YOU HAVE LOST THIS CASE". We received another dispute > provided evidence of shipment delivery >> STRIPE EMAIL US "YOU HAVE LOST THIS CASE". Is a company to be completely avoided or am I missing something here?

Asked by Jon H. on 10/24/2015

5 Answers
Pro G.10/24/2015

Keep away from this company, this company is bad news, using this so called stripe only if you want to loose your business with them. They never go in your flavor, Please keep away, better company out their.
Adam S.7/7/2018

This is the classic rubbish response offered by Stripe. They cannot be trusted - ever.
Fahim S.10/26/2016

Wait until you are hit with a chargeback. Stripe does nothing to defend you and they simply give your money away to credit card company for a product that was purchased by real customer and was delivered by UPS with tracking number and proof of delivery. All of which including customer communication via email was provided as proof to Stripe but they came back and said we have bad news, the dispute did not end in your favour. That is all...
So as a merchant i lost hundreds of Dollars for this order that was shipped and and this scumbag just tried to see if he can get his money back and sure enough he did because i use Stripe.
Stay away, can you imagine losing hundreds or even thousands of Dollars?
I was burnt and this was the first chargeback experience i had and i simply lost it because Stripe didn't do anything about it.
Stay away from Stripe, the will not protect your money! Simple.
Stripe S.10/26/2015

Hi Jon, I'm sorry that you're having trouble with disputes -- they can be frustrating! Unfortunately, when your customer initiates a dispute with their bank, it's the bank that begins an investigation and makes the determination on who gets to keep the funds -- and often times, they do favor the customer. This process is facilitated by credit card networks, but Stripe helps with this process by submitting evidence that you provide, such as tracking numbers. Although we can't make disputes go away, we do try our best to make them a bit easier to manage.

As a bit of background on how the dispute process works, the minute that we learn about a dispute from your cardholder's bank, the funds and an additional fee are taken out of our account. In the event that you're able to win a dispute, we return the full amount of the charge and the fee to you, though the fee that we are assessed is not returned to us by the bank. We return that fee because we feel strongly that businesses shouldn't be penalized for disputes that are resolved in their favor. Because it is expensive for us to return those fees in instances were the dispute is resolved in the business's favor, we aren't able to return the fees at other times. In addition, since disputes are a forced refund by the cardholder’s bank and not a voluntary one on your part, you remain responsible for the processing fees for the initial transaction.

It can be tricky for even experienced businesses to understand how to handle a dispute, so we've spent time documenting the various circumstances under which a payment can be disputed, and how best to handle each -- I'd recommend taking a look at to learn more. Please also take a look at to learn more about preventing disputes.

I hope this helps shed some light on our approach here. Again, I'm sorry that dealing with disputes are frustrating. Stripe actively dedicates resources to making this problem better and, over time, go away entirely. We can certainly look into your account and these specific disputes, if you'd like, if you send us a message at
Ann Y.8/10/2023

They are doing me the same way. Then they state that I lost a dispute and money was returned to the customer by the cardholder. The customer never received any money back and the bank stated they never received a refund from Stripe. So where is the customers money that was sitting in my Stripe account for over 5mths. They keep making bogus claims of the money being returned by cardholders bank. It's an outrage and something needs to be done.

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