Questions & Answers

Can you share a success story using SetSchedule?

Asked by Amy H. on 4/10/2019

12 Answers
Mary Z.8/21/2019

You will NOT get valid leads from this company... you will just get a phone book generation of peoples names and phone numbers. Never a cell number either. When you call them none of them have any idea what you are talking about. You can get a list of names and numbers for A LOT LESS!
Jordan M.7/8/2019

All of the above responses must have been fraudulently generated. Set schedule is the worst. Very dishonest company, I would keep away.
Sarah M.9/14/2019

These people are SCAMS! Report them to the following so that enough complaints can trigger an investigation. This will protect us all so that WE don't get in trouble with the FTC for violating DNC laws.

File an official complaint on:

Call the Orange County Sheriff's Department at 714-647-7000 or 949-770-6011 to file a report.

As the complaints to the FTC rise, an investigation will be triggered. They can be sued and we can possibly even get a refund! Go here:

Let's do this folks. Let's stop this evil company!
Mary P.10/10/2019

Lies, lies and more lies! Please do not choose this company as you will regret it. I spent over $1000 on them and they have produced NOTHING. All of my so-called "opportunities" are fake, bad phone numbers, people who have never inquired about buying OR selling... just total garbage. I wish I could sue them but unfortunately it would cost me too much.
SHAME on you Set Schedule for preying on hard working folks livelihood.
Maria T.4/11/2019

Great job Sue! I recommend Great job Sue! Thank you for the help Setschedule!
Jordan M.12/28/2019

Rarely do I write reviews and it's even more seldom that I write bad reviews but this deserves 5 minutes of my time to save my fellow Realtors a few hundred/ thousand bucks. This company is a total SCAM.

They are crooks, frauds, and liars... and here is how you will be sold. A sales agent will call you and ask if you would be willing to pay a referral fee of 25% if you were given six quality listing appointments. Most agents would agree saying that's not a bad deal. Now would it you had to pay anywhere between 100-300 per listing appointment? Now you may be thinking, well I guess the commission will pay for the fee... WRONG, WRONG, WRONG. The deception is that these listing appointments are quality sellers and that couldn't be further from the truth.

The first "listing appointment" I accepted seemed to be promising. The house was valued at $600,000 so I accepted it and gave the owner a call to confirm our 2:30 appointment. The woman on the phone was extremely confused and said no one ever called her about her house and there was no appointment to speak of. I pushed my way in and said "let's just meet up so I can explain why I'm calling." When we met, the woman was slightly freaked out and extremely confused as to the nurture of the visit." I asked if she had thought of selling her home in the next six months, and she told me she planned to NEVER SELL. So after wasting about an hour of my time I left and contacted Set Schedule. Their amazing response rate suddenly went dead. I left emails and voicemails stating I wanted a refund and no one called back.

I figured I would give them the benefit of the doubt and accepted another "listing appointment" shortly thereafter. When I finally contacted the owner they had a suspiciously similar response to my call. What is this? Why are you calling? NO I don't want to sell my home. Etc Fortunately I screened this one over the phone but I would have been better off just dialing some random number in the phone book.

I contacted set schedule again and NOTHING. Finally, I was contacted by a customer service representative named Nathlie who initially got me started with the program. She said she would process my complaint but nothing happenedfor 5 months. Then out of the blue another agent from set schedule called to follow up with my complaint. He said Nathlie didn't work there, I explained the situation and they set another appointment to talk further about it. A woman called back (that sounded exactly like Nathlie) and said she couldn't refund me and that in the fine print it states these are only opportunities not leads even though I was promised over the phone quality listing appointments.

I was then deferred to another manager who was supposed to call me back at 1:00. NOTHING no phone call no follow up nothing.

A few days later I receive this automated response from the owner of the company saying my refund was declined saying, "A good rule of thumb, when taking on an opportunity, is to spend 2-3 months working and follow up on any referral. By spending more time, cultivating the relationship, I'm sure you'll realize, there's more to the process than a single call attempt to close." WHY would I spend months working a lead if they flat out told me they never want to sell?

Just don't do it, your life will be better and you will save yourself time, money and a huge headache. These people are professional scam artists don't give them a dime.
dave a.6/24/2020

NONE they took my money and provided old bad leads...
Greg R.6/17/2020

You would think after 37 years in the Real Estate business I would be smart enough to stop throwing away my money on companies that don't deliver what you paid them for. NOPE! I DID IT AGAIN. We all need to band together and get the word out in your area to stay away from the company. Promised 100 leads in 1 year, 3 months in and only 4 junk leads. If you see a positive review it mush be a mistake. Check out the BBB and you will see 173 claims in the last 3 years. I put a system wide message to all of the agents in my area.
John K.4/5/2020

They do NOT live up to their promises or "guarantees".
They guarantee 9 listing appointments in a year -- I got one. The listing appointment was about an hour away. The homeowner was confused but said he would meet with me, and was up front about planning to list his home with a friend who was a realtor.

Toward the end of my year with SetSchedule, I repeatedly called asking about my other 8 listing appointments, but always got a run-around.

Before the end of my year, I called SetSchedule and made sure I would not renew. The result? They had saved my credit card number and charged me $1,841 (pre-payment for another year!)

I have filed a complaint with my bank.
I am going to file a complaint with the authorities.
Charlott M.9/25/2019

Yes, absolutely, I was able to secure two listings and one buyer transaction. It was not a silver bullet or in the media transaction but I nurtured and deals for about three months and was able to put all three on the contract

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