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I wonder if he is licensed? It sems pretty irresponsible in my opinion to drag out every skeleton in the closet for children of all ages to view and ponder. I would hope that anyone who was contemplating self injury or suicide or another form of self harm would not be encouraged by its apparent popularity from this website. In my opinion, with the state of affairs ad poor health habits of America being an important issue to us all, we need to encourage good health now more than ever. There is so much pessimism and encouragement to find escape mechanisms as it is and websites like this expose many people to ideas they might not otherwise have considered or even imagined. It should be restricted in my opinion.

Asked by Evan C. on 2/22/2010

3 Answers
Deyzanne Z.12/12/2015

Yes, Evan. He is a Licensed PsyD. That is all. He does not practice IN REAL LIFE. He never has. He has made millions on this very DANGEROUS site.

I am (was on that site for years on and off) in complete agreement with you-- this site ought to be RESTRICTED.

I hope I was able to answer your questions. Take care of you-- Deyzanne PhD
Pax I.6/2/2018

Never used it myself. There are therapists on the site who also post as members, and do not tell anyone they are therapists-- dunno if you should or not. That'd be up to you entirely.
You've published a book on Psychotherapy? Congratulations.

As to your paper -- very good topic! The effect of promoting violent and aggressive behavior via violent video games-- I should think the effect would be obvious, and seriously feel that such games, indeed, the internet itself ought to be far more regulated place? PC-- since the effect is, for me; a given; (that it promotes violent and aggressive behavior-- and the internet itself, if not used in moderation) no reason why your paper wouldn't get rave reviews there-- but I wouldn't use it as a true reaction? Virtual is virtual-- Real is real... the world has become too tech for my thinking... and everyone thinks what they read on the net is "True". Which it is not.

Socialization skills in real life are on the decline, children do not know how to play simple games, and play outdoors with their friends these days... their best friends (for the most part) are machines... Machines are man made-- from original thinkers, and even the people who brought us into this Virtual land-- (who invented the computer), did not realize the impact on human behavior, thought processes (thinking things out for oneself?), and the lack of abundance of social skills we are seeing in the youth of our world. I wish you well in your endeavors.
Anonymous P.10/17/2015

The Internet has many closets that unfortunately anyone can view. If by he, you mean the man behind the curtain, no, he does not "drag out" every "skeleton" for the children. In my experience, it tends to be adults that use Psych Central, and certainly not little children, who, I presume, wouldn't even undestand what they're reading. Would you prefer younger people suffer in silence, or that they would have somewhere safe and anonymous to go where they won't be judged and ridiculed? I know what I'd prefer. As for the mention of suicide, it's largely a prohibited topic, because of the many issues that could arise from a site filled with suicide threats. Self-harm and suicide is not popular, and I fully resent that statement. You could pick any topic of the vast many on PC and label it as common or, to use your word choice, "popular." PC does encourage good health. I somewhat agree that there should be restrictions set in place, but stop beating up PC and instead realise this is a problem with ALL websites that offer support, not just PC. Restricting certain parts of the site only to those with certain issues is unrealistic, since the website has no way of knowing whether someone has such an issue or not. A lot of people go onto the site with unknown issues only to discover answers and take them to a professional who offers a diagnosis and eventually another who offers therapy or other forms of support and/or treatment. The general media and being social exposes ideas we might not have considered or even imagined; this is just a fact of life and wagging your finger at one website won't change that.

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