Questions & Answers

Here’s what buyers have asked with answers from PsychCentral staff and previous consumers.

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answered within 1 day
Well, it's free advice. So I would take that into consideration about whether you should take it or leave it. For some people, I'm sure it helps. For others, maybe not so much.
By Miles B., over a year old

Psych Central is not a good "Source" to use as a reviewer. If you can read the reviews here about the site, (aside from the ones the Moderators from the site wrote which were all "Positive"-- they get paid to do that) you will see that it is not a reputable site, not insofar as former members who were seriously injured by the site; nor are many of the purported "Therapists" actual therapists. (If they are indeed Therapists, they are not very good ones!) IMHO, not a good place to get a Review from. The site is flailing these days. Once upon a time, it had a good reputation; and was a decent place-- but like all things in life, that has changed over the years. I wish you well.
By Pax I., over a year old

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