Here’s what buyers have asked with answers from Priceline staff and previous consumers.
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The agreed to price is inclusive. I would look at dollar's website before renting from Priceline. There is no layer of protection from prcln.
By william g., over a year old
With Price Line you may pay a reduced price. However, you get reduced services. Be prepared for hidden costs from the merchant as their ads on Price Line do not include their entire policy.
By Cynthia R., over a year old
I'm not sure what you mean by "receive" the e-ticket. I've booked numerous times through priceline and other intermediaries, but have never received a ticket. I would suggest that you look at the itinerary that you've received from priceline and look for the Airline Confirmation Number (which may be a sequence of letters and or numbers depending on the airline). Then go to the airline's website and look up your flight itinerary. This process also varies by airline, but there should be some menu such as "My Trips" or other itinerary look up option. The airline should be able to find your itinerary based on your name and confirmation number. If your priceline itinerary contains an e-ticket number, you may be able to use that on the airline's website as well. If the airline has your itinerary, you're good to go. You'll be able to check in and get a boarding pass (electronic or print) 24 hours prior to your flight. If the airline has no record of you, then you've got a problem.
By Lake R., over a year old
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