Questions & Answers

How do I cancel my annual membership? I never use this ordering site and don't want to pay the $50 annual fee.

Asked by Lindsey G. on 3/8/2019

3 Answers
Lora C.11/25/2019

You call them screaming like I just did or you report fraud to your bank.
Cheri M.7/16/2019

Yes, i just enrolled in the one year membership and cancelled all of my " credit and debit cards " still active on my account. They can't charge anything if your
' saved ' credit and debit cards are " deleted '. Since I do get prescription meds for my dogs on their site and I just joined, I'm keeping it for one year but they can't renew it if no cards are saved.
Kat G.6/12/2019

You have to call the 800 number listed on the site,. Be prepared to argue with the CSR. They don't care whether you want a refund or not. They will try to get you to purchase something else then leave snarky comments about you on your profile.

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