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Hello Peter G,
We do not currently ship out of the US. Thank you for your support.
Sincerely ~ PCMag Shop
By Margaret M., over a year old
Hello Mark T,
The LG TV's are distributed by an LG authorized dealer. Due to our privacy agreements, we are unable to disclose the names of our suppliers. Please feel free to contact us if you have any other questions.
Sincerely ~ PCMag Shop
By Margaret M., over a year old
Hello Ronald,
We do not operate a call center and are closed on the weekends. We did take your complaint seriously and have worked diligently to improve our processes. We did issue you a full refund. We are very sorry for the bad experience you had with us.
Hello David,
I believe we spoke and resolved the issue you had with the Sony TV. We are a legitimate business and take your complaints seriously. If you would like any other information please contact us at We will look into any other issues that you might have.
Sincerely ~ PCMagShop
By Margaret M., over a year old
Thank you for the inquiry. Please contact us at We will gladly look into the delivery issue.
By Margaret M., over a year old
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