Nature Hills Nursery
Questions & Answers

What made you choose Nature Hills Nursery over similar businesses?

Asked by Stephen T. on 11/8/2019

4 Answers
Richard L.6/3/2020

THEIR website looks awesome! Thought I would pay a little more for better product! Boy was I wrong! A company that charges you if the tree/plant dies is crooked! DO NOT ORDER FROM THIS COMPANY
Rhonda M.4/30/2020

I looked online for the trees I needed and they had them.
Jane F.11/22/2019

Online comments and I checked with the local nurseries. Just to double check my initial thoughts.
I was looking for a certain shrub that proved to be hard to find locally; and my favorite nursery recommended you.
Denise M.11/8/2019

Ease in ordering, pictures and videos online, assistance ordering, and great reviews

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