Here’s what buyers have asked with answers from MyPoints staff and previous consumers.
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You RUN! RUN FOR THE HILLS! Close your account and RUN! And then, file a complaint with the BBB. They are now under the parent company "Prodege" which is also SwagBucks. Both are horribly run companies now!
By Judy M., over a year old
They did the same thing to me last week and I had around 9630 points. I was trying to reach 10000. They knocked it down and said that I purchased 2 Amazon gift cards, which was a flat out lie. I cant stand amazon for certain reasons. I have proof and witnesses to everything that has happened with mypoints. I have contacted them through email and have received answers back. They have not followed through yet as they said. If this goes on with no satisfaction I will take legal action. I will also hope that others join me. That is not necessary but I will give others the option at their own discretion. False and misleading information may only be a misdemeanor but we deserve what we work for!
By marcia g., over a year old
You don't, they won't answer or take your calls nor will they return any messages.
By Judy M., over a year old
can not update e-mail address
Mypoints is a large company. They will e-mail you, might just take so extra time depending on your issue
By Matthew S., over a year old
Yahoo is notorious for email problems. I use Gmail. It's free and more reliable.
By Tessa D., over a year old
I get multiple emails daily. Try checking your spam folder and be sure to add mypoints to your contacts. I also would check your account to be sure they still have your current email. I hope this helps.
By Kendra M., over a year old
HHhhow can I reactivate my account
Not that it will make you feel any better, but I cannot get any help either. Totally useless but here: To submit a ticket regarding an activity, go through the Visited section of your Activity Ledger,
By Debbie H., over a year old
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