Here’s what buyers have asked with answers from LiveGlam staff and previous consumers.
questions answered
answered within 1 day
No, u cant get subscriptions with any other brand as far as what live glam offers and to know you quality in your products I would and i do recommend it to all my friends and socially media!
By Chan m., over a year old
Hello Cynthia! We'd like to invite you to check all of the reviews shared by our customers through this link, if time permits. You can also follow all of our socials and know more about us!, FB:@LiveGlamCo, Twitter:@LiveGlamCo, Snapchat:@liveglamco
By Geoffrey R., over a year old
Is Liveglam products cheap?
No they just get the cost of the product that's it I've been enrolled for almost 3 years now
By Megan M., over a year old
The lippies and eye shadows are amazing i am in both monthly for lippies and bi monthly for the eyeshadow and have never been disappointed.
By Anna W., over a year old
Thanks for reaching out, Hope! You can copy and paste this link to access all of our customer reviews. There is a search field where you could either type your username or any keyword that you can recall to help you filter the reviews. :) Hope this helps!
By Geoffrey R., over a year old
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How long does shipping take?
What is the return policy?
Where is the company located?