Questions & Answers

My bank account keeps being debited with £23.80. Im trying to login and cancel my account but your website keeps telling me it doesn't rec my email name can you help

Asked by Linda D. on 8/30/2015

10 Answers
William P.8/31/2015

I had to cancel my Debit Card account with Bank of America, because the Bank refused to block LiveCareer from my account. I wonder if they are in cahoots or what? I believe a class action suit may be required so we can get our funds back.
Eva D.8/31/2015

Totally understand your problem. It wasn't until I left a scathing review, contacted my bank to file an unauthorized charge claim, and file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau; that I heard from a Rep from this site. They refunded my costs within 48hrs. However, I stand by review. They are extremely sly and underhanded. You wou do better googling "how to" info on your own.
Ki M.8/31/2015

Call them. It's a scam they will continue to take from your account each month. Go to the site, get the number call them.
Wendy P.9/3/2015

Only way to get rid of them is to cancel your credit card or debit card and get a new one. Do it quickly, and then as others have said, report them everywhere. Dear Tom P. - Their Live Chat Team does not respond, neither does email, even though they give you quite an official looking `ticket number`and everything. I tried EVERYTHING and got NO RESPONSE. Clearly, I am not alone in this experience.
Clayton w.8/31/2015

Easiest way Linda is to cancel your card as these fraudsters keep taking your money, get onto it right away.
All the responses you get are automated, they don't answer your calls.
What still puzzles me is how they charge you this monthly fee for a simple cv template.
Absolute rogues this mob, DONT use them and be sure to write a review
Good luck
Sharon R.8/31/2015

I had to cancel our debit card so that they would no longer have access since they did not acknowledge or honor our request to cancel (ON TIME!). I filed a complaint with my bank, the better business bureau, and the FCC as well as left complaints on several social sites. Good luck to you!
Leigh J.8/31/2015

My high school son had to cancel his debit card to stop the charges. Apparently, if you only cancel your account, the charges keep occurring because your account is not your "subscription". After all, who doesn't want to keep paying these people when you have canceled your account and have no access to the "service" they provide.
Margaret G.8/31/2015

Contact customer service asap and also go to your bank and stop future payments. Email address in uk is:- I also contacted as this seems to be the person who replys on livecareers behalf. I got some of my money back but not all of it... would never ever advise anyone to use this site!
Eliza S.8/31/2015

Hi Linda you need to contact your bank and unauthorized/ block transactions with them. IDE also contact your version of the better buisnes bureau and file a formal complaint asking for your money back
tom p.9/1/2015

Hi Linda, I don't work for them I just used them to create my cv! If you contact their live chat team one of their team will be able to help you.
It does state that there is an automatic subscription renewal so you can continue to update and print off your cv. The live chat team will be happy to help.

Kind regards Tom.

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