Questions & Answers

Here’s what buyers have asked with answers from JibJab staff and previous consumers.

questions answered
answered within 1 day
Unfortunately, now you can only edit your heads immediately after you upload them, which makes it a waste of time to save them because each head you upload will only work correctly for the video you uploaded it for. I was told they removed the 'edit any time' function so people could use their app on androids which sounds pretty absurd to me. Oh well, this will be the last year I ever pay for it again if they don't correct this outrage.
By Roberta W., over a year old

We've removed the fine-tuned shaping feature for now to make our casting process easier for all; we also made adjustments so that users can easily cast their cards directly on mobile devices. This is part of our desire to make sure that anyone can learn to use and send our cards! Please feel free to reach out to help@jibjab.com with any additional feedback and we'll pass it along.
By Alessandra S., over a year old

No more than 30 min. Had to find and edit my pictures that I used.
By Deborah W., over a year old

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