Questions & Answers

Why is the point system rigged?

Asked by Jackson s. on 3/2/2021

7 Answers
s s.3/15/2021

Dunno. Just please, dont use it and if your forced to do it as an assinment beg your teacher to quit cause IXL is annoying s he11.
Liam c.2/15/2024

No matter what if you get something correct but there are two correct answers and it will say otherwise
Ga J.1/23/2024

It gives you so little when you do get a question right, and takes away so many, so it's very frustrating and makes it possible for one IXL go on forever.
Jacob U.10/26/2023

Because they want monez ez so they can pay their 100 trillion dollar debt because they got sued by i-Ready + IXL Destruction Crew because they suck
Bray C.1/11/2023

The reason that people say that the point system is rigged is because they could have gotten up to like an 85 after answering 15 questions, and then can lose 20 points because of one wrong answer.
Ishu R.8/19/2022

Because its a scam, that stupid paul doesnt care about us kids, only his 20 dollars a month from every family
Lexi R.1/6/2022

Because they want you to spend more time on their app trying to get 100 the more time you spend the more money they make

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