Here’s what buyers have asked with answers from HoWigs staff and previous consumers.
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I got a full refund (after an avalanche of emails and ridiculous offers from the customer service reps). They refused to give me a return address but I got it once I lodged a claim through PayPal.
Another customer went through her credit card company (not sure what she did but a phone call to their Head Office is where I'd start).
Don't give up... if we all followed up they would soon be out of business). I'm in Australia; the return postage cost was definitely not too bad and worth it just to hassle them. Good luck.
By Joanne G., over a year old
Been trying since Nov 2019 to return my wig & won't send return label. Keep offering to lower purchase price to keep. Paid $65 and only offering to refund $25 even though I followed return policy. Still have not received my refund. Company is a scam
By Tina P., over a year old
Receiver: Mr. Zhao
Address: Room 521, Building No 1, ZhongXingCheng, Beiyihuan Road, Yaohai District, Hefei City, Anhui Province, China
Postal Code: 230011
By Heather m., over a year old
Hello, Is anyone there?
Do you sale just wigs?
I am another person who has made a mistake with this company address is the same but company name is OPO Hair. I purchased the wig through but it's not koi n the UK, It's the same issue as everyone else - charging £180 for fake synthetic wig with absolutely no shape or style, it took 5 weeks to arrive and it's a shapeless, disgusting, rough plastic nonsense - an acrylic mess. Not only false advertising but they are trying to run me around in shady email circles saying they'll give me 30%, then 35% now £100 it's just wicked. 3 weeks of going back and forth acting like they don't understand me - after some digging it turns out the company is hidden behind 2 fake companies here in the UK, they have given me the same address as you all have sent your returns to - I have started action with PayPal but something tells me God Almighty will need to get involved now to even stand a chance of getting my money back. It's my fault I felt in my heart to stay with Amazon but I really wanted a Human Hair wig. I saw there was 127 people who have had the same problems.
By Debbie H., over a year old
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