Questions & Answers

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Well Nancy, Lets say a person goes to the doctor, gets a prescription and goes to pick it up. Unfortunately, the Pharmacist says your insurance provider cannot cover your prescription at the time, yet if you wait, then later you come back after insurance is cleared or you can pay $200 right now to get it, if it is an emergency and hopefully the insurance can reimburse you in due time. Well Hoveround is equal to the Pharmacist! PERIOD! It is out of the doctors hands once the order is complete... CORRECT? The order moves to your facility, and you all have the product to then verify through insurance and call the CONSUMER IF the insurance doesn't go through, the product is on back order, you have to order a different product instead. You NEVER as the product handler give or take away from the order, first with out the customer's consent, 2nd without the doctor's consent... EVER! In retail the customer is #1 priority, and should ALWAYS come first! I am surprised that you all haven't been a) sued by all of these customers complaining b) reported numerous times to the BBB or the Federal Government or c) shut down for bad customer service or lack there of. I want to say that I was going to try and get my Grandmother a hoveround but I am almost now other wise convinced that she deserves better than that kind of service. You all should be kissing the ground that your customer's walk on, besides aren't they who give YOU (YOUR) paychecks to keep your lights on and feed your babies? Also, it is fairly obvious to me that NANCY, ANN, ANGELA... ect are on here most likely(as people from the company or mystery shopper/survey takers) making money off of writing good reviews. I hope that you all are happy for set some of these good customers up for sabotage/failure, you name it! So far I have yet to find a positive comment of a person with a picture. Seriously, tires going flat on multiple, not one but, MULTIPLE persons Carts and you all WILL NOT fix them? If my grandma gets a hoveround on her own and she has on single problem, you all will be hearing from BBB and Lawyers. STOP the mess that you are creating and provide BETTER customer service!

So sorry to hear that. I am no longer living with my father-in-law, but I can add to my earlier review and comments. The company did exactly the same thing to him, again. A year later. They got in touch to say that Medicare had accepted their appeal and that the chair was now finally his, and they sent a guy round with the paperwork for signature and everything looked great. It subsequently turned out that Medicare hadn't approved anything and didn't know anything at all about the appeal, and that they were not going to pay. The story that Hoveround gave me was smoke and mirrors and back came the bill for the chair again. As far as I know, a year and a half on, the chair is still not officially his. I probably won't hear anything more about it now, but I'm quite glad I don't have to deal with these people yet again.
By Chris O., over a year old

Hey Nancy, thank you for reaching out. Although the application process is lengthy and sometimes out of our control, we are committed to providing an excellent Hoveround experience and always do what we can to move the process along as quickly as possible. In order to protect your health information please give us a call at 941-800-5180 so we can assist you.
By Hoveround Customer Service .., over a year old

Hey Richard, thank you for reaching out and for the warm wishes. If there is anything we can help you with, please give us a call at 800-542-7236. Thank you and have a great day!
By Hoveround Customer Service .., over a year old

Yes, if doctor can prove medically necessary. Doctor must make file notes to support and you must have an office visit that only addresses the need for your chair.
By Rhonda M., over a year old

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