Questions & Answers

When you order a used phone from Orchard, does it come with the charger, cable and other accessories?

Asked by JT L. on 9/20/2018

3 Answers
Kristi L.7/24/2019

You can choose to buy these - it is an inexpensive add on.
OrchardSupport -.3/12/2019

Hi JT,

We offer accessories for sale at checkout, such as charging cable for $25 or cable and block for $30, earphones for $30, and original packaging for $5.

For some context, we decided not to bake the price of accessories into the price of our phones because we found that, if buying a used phone, the majority of our buyers already had accessories on hand. Hope this clarifies things a bit!
Inga T.12/19/2018

Not usually. Check the listing for the particular phone you're ordering.

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