Questions & Answers

Here’s what buyers have asked with answers from FreeTaxUSA staff and previous consumers.

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Hi Janet, sorry for any confusion. The $12.95 fee is for state tax return preparation whether the tax return is e-filed or printed and mailed. In regard to your difficulty paying. When you make a debit or credit card purchase online, the card processor checks with your bank or credit card issuer to first make sure you have enough available credit to complete the purchase. The card processor then makes sure the other information you input (for instance, your address) matches what your bank has on record. If all is well, the transaction is processed. If not, such as an address that doesnt match, then the transaction is declined. If you were having difficulty with each card, I would recommend double checking the billing information you entered on FreeTaxUSA. If thats all correct, I would contact your bank and make sure the information they have on file is up-to-date. If youre ever having trouble while using our site, you can click on the Contact Support link or email our customer support team at and a support team member will be happy to assist you.
By Sam S., over a year old

Hi Theresa! If you have not submitted your taxes and need to make changes, you can use the tabs near the top of the screen (Personal, Income, Deductions/Credits, etc.) to navigate to the area you want to make changes. If you've already filed, you'll need to amend your taxes in order to make changes. Our support agents would be happy to give more information for either case. You can contact them by selecting "Support" in your account.
By Sam S., 12 months ago

Hi Mahlon, we are happy to help you with your questions. I'm sorry but we do not have phone support at this time. If you need some help you can contact us at
By Sam S., over a year old

Hi Byron, thank you for reaching out. We are sorry to hear of the frustrations you are experiencing. Once the state return has been paid for and the return is finalized the returns are available for you to print. Would you please sign into your account and select to contact Support. This will allow us to assist you best.
By Sam S., over a year old

Hi Peter. Thank you for your question. FreeTaxUSA is unable to mail your return for you. However, if you choose to mail your return on the Filing Method screen found under the Filing menu, our software will tell you how/where to mail your return. You can print a copy of your federal tax return for free on the Check Status/Print Tax Return screen also found under the Filing menu. If you don't have a printer and would like to order a printed copy, you can do that on the Order Products and Services screen found in the same menu.
By Sam S., over a year old

Hi, Sean! That's a great question. Our software is entirely browser-based, so it will be compatible with any operating system running a major browser. This includes Chrome, Edge, Safari, iOS, and Firefox.
By Sam S., over a year old

Hello Linda. I am sorry you have not yet received your tax refund. The IRS typically issues the refund in about 21 days. However, this is just an average and not a rule. Please check the status of your Federal refund at Your state will also have a similar site where you can check the status of your refund. If you have any questions after you have checked the status of your refunds, please sign into your FreeTaxUSA account and click on the Contact Support menu option.
By Sam S., over a year old

Hello Shannon! Yes, you can prepare both your 2021 and 2022 taxes using our software, but you will enter each year's information separately in each year's software. Current year taxes can be e-filed, and prior year taxes will need to be mailed. There is no charge for e-filing, but we do have additional products available (such as State Tax Returns) for an additional cost. Our support agents would be happy to answer any additional questions at
By Sam S., over a year old

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