Questions & Answers

I have seen negative responses for this company and afraid to get caught up not getting what I paid for, broken merchandise, late delivery and taking

Asked by denise m. on 11/22/2017

7 Answers
John P.10/21/2018

JoAnn you are obviously an idiot and CANNOT read. You have to look deeper into the statement you idiot. This person doesn't want to get caught up in a scheme of not getting what is paid for, broken merchandise, or late delivery. This person is basically asking if this company is legit and if all the negative comments are just hope you idiot.
Sabrina A.2/5/2020

I have 6 different orders and several products. Not one item showed up broken. Shipping was super fast except for one item because I ordered 2 of the same electronic devices and one was out of stock. I was informed of this and still received it before Christmas. I have spoken with customer service a few times in the past year and not one person was rude ever. Extremely helpful.
Jhay Z.10/18/2019

I think David J. Is an ignorant person. "They make you pay more...?"

I know FlexShopper is thinking it but I'll say it.

First, they dont make you pay anything. You AGREE to pay for the item you want. YOU do not have to sign the agreement.

Secondly, it's typed in BLACK on WHITE background on your documents. The cost or your requested item and the cost of the rental fee should you surpass the 90 same as cash option.


Price + $50 ($50 is the price to do business with them for items paid out within the 90 day period)

If you surpass the 90 then a rental fee is applied to your balance after 90 days.

If you do the full 52 weeks then you can expect to pay a little over double the actual cash price.

So... any questions? Because I think your grin should be redirected at yourself.
Miriam C.6/7/2019

I haven't gotten anything broken. I will be receiving my 2nd order today. I got what I ordered the first time. We'll see about this time later.
Trust M.1/30/2019

I placed my order all happy. Then after receiving my confirmation I went online to look at the reviews of the company and to my surprise I was very disappointed at all the reviews and people complaining about not getting their packages and things like that.So I called and asked to cancel my order they said that the order has already been sent in. And "they sent a request to cancel the order" and if the order gets delivered to my house they told me to reject the package so the person sending it can send it back to flex shopper. Pretty much like every story ive read. But this is where it gets interesting... upon reviewing the contract. Besides all of the extreme interest rates at the very very bottom there's a document which entitles you to cancel your order within three days of the initial purchase. That's funny because over the phone they had told me that the cancellation request might take up to three days. So this is where it got even more weird, I was so infuriated I YELLED at them. I even said "the contract states I have three days to cancel the order, what games are you trying to play?" they still told me i was stuck. I threatened them. And then with in a few minutes they took my order off, so they can process the cancellation right away they were just trying to get me to get it delivered and at that point I would be stuck with everything. DONT BUY FROM A COMPANY THAT WONT LET YOU RETURN YOUR PRODUCTS. READ THE AGREEMENT!
David J.12/30/2018

Yes, it is true they will make you pay more than the product cost and they think they are larger eCommerce company but they are not.
JoAnn W.9/19/2018

Exactly what is your question?

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