Can someone help me get the phone number for the company please? I've sent them five messages already with no answer.
Asked by Jennifer L. on 4/11/2016
13 Answers
Lisa R.4/12/2016
Good luck. I just kept getting stupid answers until I filed a BBB complaint. Then I got instant satisfaction.
Tayla a.4/13/2016
Their customer service is horrible. Only way I could get in touch with then is through email. With the experience Ive had, I don't advise anyone to order from this site.
Gojko N.2/14/2018
How i can get refund money? They didnt delivery me a item and what is BBB. I am from Norway...
Shawn R.4/13/2016
Don't bother calling it's a waste of your time! Live and learn, STAY AWAY from this company if you want to call it that.
Je l.4/12/2016
Report them to the BBB believe me when they get contacted by them you will start to see results almost immediately. It's a shame that companies have to be threatened to serve customers properly but you gotta do what you gotta do.
Malcolm R.4/12/2016
The customer service number is 1-800-833-7397 it is right at the top of this page.
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