I have been on Deviant Art for two weeks now and have ran into nothing but problems with the site it self and the unwanted vomit inducing results. It's sad that I have to turn mature content off just to search photography of old buildings. Any one here know of a site that is actually ran by people who care of the content posted and how its handled.
Asked by thelaughing m. on 9/13/2016
7 Answers
N L.7/12/2017
Yeah, it's so bad. I was looking for portrays of my favorite game characters, musicians and all i could find was beastality, phony sex, dick pics. Once i saw a pic of a guy that covered his dick in glitters lol. Very artistic
Anyway, i would suggest pixiv, myfolio... even facebook, or instagram are better choices than DA.
Anyway, i would suggest pixiv, myfolio... even facebook, or instagram are better choices than DA.
Hand O.8/17/2018
Agreed. This "DeviantGossip" crap is the stain of the Internet at this point. And the staff certainly doesn't care, and apparently their new parent company that acquired them (Wix.com) doesn't seem to give a crap either. I'm going elsewhere for real digital art, and I'd suggest that we all boycott DeviantFart.
Jennifer R.5/12/2020
Its not up and running yet but ArtRise is in the progress of being built and will essentially be an improved version of deviantArt based on suggestions from the community.
Cynthia v.11/10/2019
Here is a list that I made with other art communities and sites. Most are not as big as dA but their admins actually do their job there. Good luck!
Here is a list that I made with other art communities and sites. Most are not as big as dA but their admins actually do their job there. Good luck!
Jeremy R.6/20/2018
The staff does not care. I have mature filter on, and I still see disgusting fetish art. Plus, some users will post nasty pics without a mature content tag and sometimes, they actually get away with it, as the staff will let some of these pornographic pics slip past the cracks while taking down art that does not violate their policy when someone sends a false report.
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