Here’s what buyers have asked with answers from Depop staff and previous consumers.
questions answered
answered within 1 day
Is Depop a scam or a legit company?
Major scam. And not worth the fees they will charge you to sell. Rubbish and rude customer service, and the people buying off you will try to scam you by lieing to Depop and PayPal saying they never received the item. But when you track the tracking number they've signed for the item themselves!
By Francesca D., over a year old
An apparent availability of items that were not available elsewhere. Turns out that the reason that they were available is that they were fakes and frauds.
By Valeria M., over a year old
It might be a scam honestly, i would say open a dispute with them. Mercari is a lot better btw, way cheaper. Mercari also holds the money until your item is delivered and you inspect and review the item.
By Manson S., over a year old
Why have you blocked my account.
Right with you on this. Jerks banned my account and I've never had any bad reviews and nothing but positive sales but they will continue to allow scammers to steal your stuff and still haven't seen any of my payments from items I sold since they stopped my account. They said today I should get my money by 7/9/2023 it's 9/6/2023. So apparently they don't even know what month we are in right now. Idiots
By Heather B., over a year old
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Typical questions asked
How long does shipping take?
What is the return policy?
Where is the company located?