I have sent in a ticket as I can not watch any videos, but the staff are, of course, not communicating with me. Any way I can actually get some customer service from them?
Asked by Lin J. on 11/5/2015
3 Answers
Jay R.12/12/2015
I would steer clear of DailyMotion -- too many complaints about their services with "no care" tech attitudes on their on end. Their video's are below the necessary quality, video's constantly freeze, countless long ad's run -- too many accounts banned for no reason at the time that they owe their "partners" money -- but if you think DailyMotion is optimum, keep using them, my personal experience says steer clear of them.
Bill G.11/6/2015
I had a problem where the video would freeze and then skip forward and had the same problem when trying to click on something or try to scroll. On the toolbar at the base of the video (where the play/pause, volume... is located) there is a button to "Report playback issue" located 1st button to the right of the volume button. I couldn't use it as I would try typing and the keystrokes had the same freeze then jump forward problem. I tried to fight through that, but then everything would freeze and refresh, which erased everything I had typed. I gave it a good fight but finally gave up and gave up on watching anything on Dailymotion. I hope this was helpful.
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