Questions & Answers

Here’s what buyers have asked with answers from ClockCanvas staff and previous consumers.

questions answered
answered within 1 day
Hi Rochelle, I am sorry to hear you are not having the experience you expected. Customer service is our top priority! We do not delete FB comments and reply to all messages on the platform where we received your initial message! I have checked and I do not see any emails from you in our customer service.
By Akhmed S., 12 months ago


My question

They respond but only by email and did not respond when I wanted to cancel because item was not delivered when they said it would be delivered. I was charged before the item was delivered. When item was delivered too late they refused to give me a return shipping label and lied about when it was delivered. I am still involved in a dispute with my credit card company about this. I'm furious about the way this was handled. An apology about sorry we messed up your delivery would have gone a lot further!
By Gianine I., 4 months ago

The answer of whether it is legit is questionable. A legit company provides a working phone number for Customer Service issues. This company has a phone number that directs you to their website and/or to send them an email. When emails don't resolve the issue, then there is lots of frustration!
By Kevin S., 11 months ago

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Typical questions asked
How long does shipping take?
What is the return policy?
Where is the company located?