Here’s what buyers have asked with answers from BUDK staff and previous consumers.
questions answered
answered within 1 day
How well made are the otf knives
Depends on how much you're willing to spend. The ones on BudK are all junk with the, out of place, exception of their Benchmade line-up which are some of the best OTF's and range from $250-$450(add, at the bare minimum, another $50+ for taxes and shipping). Personally, I think, with all the mechanics involved in an OTF, it's not worth the price tag because the more "mechanisms" you put in a knife, the less reliable it becomes, which is why a fixed blade will always be more reliable than a folder or an automatic of equal quality. Especially since I'm not a mercenary or an assassin. OTF's are definitely cool tho. So, as with any knife, if it's for show, buy cheap. If it's for survival, dip into your savingsFrom top down, these knives are in order of reliability.
By Daniel E., over a year old
How long is the shipping time
Depends on how much you're willing to spend! Standard is like $15-$20, expedited is like $25-$35, then you also have the option to have your package moved to somewhere closer to the front of the line for $3-$5. Kinda feels like a racket to me. My advice when thinking about using budk is to see if amazon has what you want first, as many of the items on budk can be found on amazon for cheaper and with free, well tracked, shipping.
Here's their shipping info from their site:
Merchandise TotalStandard Shipping3 - 5 Day Express2 - 3 Day Express1 - 2 Day ExpressUp to $25.00$10.99Add $8.99
To Standard Shipping ChargesAdd $13.00
To Standard Shipping ChargesAdd $28.00
To Standard Shipping Charges$25.01 - $49.00$11.99$49.01 - $70.00$13.99$70.01 - $100.00$14.99$100.01 - $200.00$16.99Over $200.00$18.99
By Daniel E., over a year old
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