Questions & Answers

Here’s what buyers have asked with answers from Asurion staff and previous consumers.

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answered within 1 day
Several close friends swear its the best option when you purchase a new product. Dell has some good offers for coverage and we liked the process and effectiveness, and quickness that we have seen with issues our friends have ran into. It was clearly a better option than what dell had to offer but again, that remains to actually be seen. If this turned out as our friends cases did, the simplicity of it all plus the fact your main reason for paying for this coverage is also honored. However that remains to be seen.
By Chanda Z., over a year old

Well, when that happened to me they sent me their IMO SPYWARE phone by the next day. I think it was like twenty-five days for my phone! I hope you kept your charger, case, & took the cards out of your phone first!
By Lori K., over a year old

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