How do I get back on the old site. Whatever idiots came up with your new mess should be fired.
Asked by Joan H. on 9/4/2015
5 Answers
Sven B.9/5/2015
Why would you want to? Obviously they are thieves i. E. taking people's money and not giving anything in return, as they did with me.
Should anyone from Ancestry be reading this, thinking of a libel action, truth is an absolute defense, and I will continue posting my experience ad infinitum until this company ceases with their fraudulent endeavors, and gives me what I paid for.
Should anyone from Ancestry be reading this, thinking of a libel action, truth is an absolute defense, and I will continue posting my experience ad infinitum until this company ceases with their fraudulent endeavors, and gives me what I paid for.
PATRICIA M.9/5/2015
Hi Joan, I see Karen above has answered your question regarding the old site. Full that box in Joan, tell them why you are leaving, give it to them straight. Write what you have put above, and more if so inclined. I have told them exactly what I think of their new so called experience! I think they have got a nerve inflicting this on us without even asking. They have made so many errors on the profiles, I know I shall have to check through every person on my tree, the mistakes they have put on are unbelievable, maps have been added that have nothing to do with the person. But the whole new set up is not enjoyable to use at all, the background colour is very hard on the eyes. I hate this new site with a passion! They should give us the choice of the format. From feedback I have seen, most of their long term customers much prefer the old site, Ancestry don't seem to realise what a great unique format they had, it was really classy, I loved working on it for hours and hours. They should listen to their customers, because they are going to be leaving their site in droves when the old ancestry is not available anymore. I shall use the old site as long as possible, then look for somewhere else to do my researching
Karen w.9/5/2015
Joan- you can go back to classic. But it is only temporary. They wont tell anyone when the change will be permanent. They just say soon. Go to the right side where you sign out and there is a drop down box, check go back to classic or old, then you get a message from them saying how sorry they are to see you go but soon that's all you will get!
Lilly G.9/7/2015
All you need to do is click on your username on the topright side of your page display and a drop down menu will appear. In that menu you will see Old Ancestry about half way down on the list. Just click on that and a box will appear with them them saying something along the lines of: " Sorry to see you go, please let us know why you are returning to Old Ancestry so we can work on issues. You type your answer and send and you immediately have Old Ancestry back again. You will at least get the uncluttered home page, and un cluttered tree pages etc, and normal muted colors. The individuals icon picture's on your tree are still chopped off and don't fill the the fill viewing icon space. I don't think they have addresses that yet. But it's totally nice old Ancestry. But the only " Terrible New Ancestry" thing that you will have to endure, is the set up for viewing records and the thousand bells and whistles that come up when trying to view a record are still there visually strangling and constricting the record, so you are only able to view a ting section of the record, but those new feature optios are not flashing off and on like a pin ball machine. The records are still not crisp though and one can't quite enlarge or reduce writing as tightly as one could under old Ancestry. Regarding the letter boxing though, some of the new bells and whistles can be shot off by click on the X and they go off and provide slightly more room for viewing the actual record. You will get your nice uncluttered tree and other's uncluttered tress and a nice clean uncluttered home page and clean individual overviews. And the nice old uncluttered search system that doesn't give you a head ache. So those things at least are normal and you can actually get some work done, even if you have to suffer through the new viewing of records and you won't have to look at those sicking life story summaries, that are making all of us shudder with mortification. Hopefully they will hear enough complaints from enough users that they fix some of the awfulness soon. If you end up accidentally reverting to New Ancestry, just click on your username again and access it as described above, and you will back to "Happy Old Ancestry" again. I think the more people make concrete suggestions about what they dislike and what they would like to see change about the update, there's some hope that they will tighten things up and normalize the update. If they make it a non opt out, in it's current condition, I will be canceling my subscription, as I think the up date is basically unusable. I suspect I can hobble by well enough using Family Search, a Newspaper Archive subscription, the free site Irish run by the Irish Government, Ellis Island and my local NY German Genealogy Group, that I belong to, and free state sites, and the Roots Message board, to almost duplicate what I can do with Ancestry. Can someone recommend what sites they like in addition to these, if that proves to be not enough?
David S.9/5/2015
When a website is updated there usually isn't a way to see a different version, I wish I could help. Sorry :(
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