Questions & Answers

Have any homeowners reported tenants for illegally renting an apartment that was under lease (No subleasing) in NYC? Where was is reported (BBB or AG or other?)? I contacted Airbnb and they refuse to do anything, make ridiculous requests how information is sent, and they do not enforce their Terms of Services. Shouldn't they get proof that a person has the right to rent that property (a license and written permission if they do not own the property)? I am a small property owner (I live in the building) and it's high risk for someone to do this to my property, my tenants, and my family. (FYI we are evicting but I worry about future issues with other tenants in this sharing economy)

Asked by Kay Z. on 1/11/2015

6 Answers
Lucille G.7/22/2015

This is the root of my problem with AIRBNB. They do not check to see if a host can legitimately rent the place they are advertising. In my experience, the host cancelled 48 hours before, claimed she was going to be evicted if she rented to me. I was only 3000 miles from home. AIRBNB offered me a 10% discount to rebook another place. I did not and will not use them again.
cheri w.5/24/2015


LEGAL PROBLEMS: AIrbnb has been banned in many cities. Hosts have been sued by the city, and fined thousands of dollars for hosting airbnb guests. Neighbors and communities are protesting airbnb hosting.

GUEST PROBLEMS: Airbnb hosts have had their homes totally trashed by guests, property damaged, stolen, requiring police intervention and legal action.

INSURANCE PROBLEMS: Airbnb's "$1,000,000 host guarantee is a scam!" Airbnb runs hosts through hurdles, only to deny, greatly reduce, or ignore the claims in the end.

HOSTS USED, ABUSED & KICKED TO THE CURB: If a host exercises their right & files claims against guests security deposits due to damage, theft or violations of rules, they are kicked to the curb with no warning. Their listing(s) are deactivated and all bookings cancelled.

COLLATERAL DAMAGE TO GUESTS: When a host is kicked to the curb, so are their guests. Airbnb lies to the guests, telling them it was the host who cancelled their bookings, when in fact, both host and guests are victimized by airbnb.

AIRBNB'S GREED: Airbnb collects a fee from both ends, the host and the guest.
If a booking is cancelled, the only one guaranteed 100% payment is airbnb.

SELLING YOUR SOUL TO THE DEVIL: For a little bit of money, hosts sacrifice their home, their privacy, their time, their freedom, their lives, and their pocketbook, only to be kicked to the curb by airbnb after they have used and abused you, and replace you with new unsuspecting hosts that airbnb pulls into their web of deceit.
MARIA D.9/12/2015

I have the same situation in Toronto down town My tenants rent the unit for long term and rented for short term from airbnb In our condo not aloud short term I find the tenants in my unit who rented for 10 days but my tenants change the names!
lily l.8/10/2015

As a landlord, I had the same problem and AirBnB was as evasive as they get. They do not verify permission from the landlord and reps always say someone from upper management will call you back. I called my local councilman's office and they referred my complaint to the Mayor's office, specifically the criminal department because this is illegal. Renting for 30 days or more is subletting. Using AirBnB to rent to many people for only days at a time is operating an illegal hotel. You can also seek legal counsel and I'm sure you want to evict the tenant. The only reason my tenant was able to fall under my radar was because he had a separate entrance and I didn't know people were traipsing in and out. I actually want to sue AirBnB if I can. The only reason I'm not evicting my tenant yet is because I gave him hell and he agreed to a rent increase plus I had AirBnB pull his ad. I still scour their site to see if his apartment comes up as available. If it weren't for the fact that I'm considering selling my house and already have a great offer for it, I would have started the eviction process. Also, people don't realize what nut jobs they're renting from. My tenant barely moved in 2 years ago and has caused me a ton of stress. I wouldn't room with him if he was the last nut job on the face of the earth. I also wrote a letter to the Attorney General, Stephen Schneiderman, in Albany who is actively fighting AirBNB. My homeowner's insurance would not cover something caused by an issue related to an AirBnB guest if something happened that was catastrophic and I'm livid. The press keeps talking about how hotel owners are losing money. What about small landlords like me? This bullsht has to end.
Cheryl D.7/29/2015

DO NOT RENT FROM THEM. We had a horrible experience the listing was all lies, when we arrived, it was not as listed, no AC, did not sleep 4, had to sleep on the floor! A train was right below the balcony, BART that went by every 20 minutes blowing its whistle/horn, we could not get our money back. Filed a complaint with BB and Credit Card Co. Finally got a refund. It was our vacation for the year and it was not fun!
Renee J.7/11/2015

I have been an AirBnB host for four years and have never had a problem with guests. As I said before I always try to check them out. I have stayed at AirBnB properties in Mexico and they were gorgeous. If I ever had problems like those mentioned above, I would stop doing this. It wouldn't be worth the hassle. Renee

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