Questions & Answers

I'm really exited with the prices i see in 6pm. But I'm it's strange for me to my tommy bAg for example for only 50$. So plz help me understand if the products are real ones or fake ?

Asked by Lusine m. on 6/18/2017

2 Answers
Dc B.9/5/2020

Why are you being afraid because of the prices are too cheap.
It real and delivers quick no doubt.
Justin F.8/11/2017

Hi Lusine! We apologize for the delay in answering your question! Rest assured, all the merchandise we sell is new, 100% authentic and we are authorized retailers for the brands we carry. As with any brick and mortar store, we may have items returned but we have a team dedicated to checking returns prior to restocking.

I hope this information is helpful and if you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us directly at 1.888.676.2660, 6AM - 8PM PDT or cs@6pm.com. Thank you!

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