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I am a female doctor with Wheatland Internal Medicine Clinic,
I have reached out to WebMD to update my new address for a while but they still have my old address, has some mal... read more
Babies R Us I will never feel confident to order from you again. Having waited over two months to receive goods/refund, I think your business is willing to steal money form unsuspecting customers. I a... read more
Well, I am that person who don't like to go to hospital. Sometimes it was a little hurt and I thought maybe I can check it on the internet to find out what's wrong with my body. I believe that no one ... read more
Great website where you can find a wide range of interesting toys, feeding products, and travel items for children. The large selection is the first advantage. The second is the ease of placing an ord... read more
Loved this site at first, then I realised that posts, comments and accounts are deleted for the silliest things. The admins troll the site for any perception of a rule break and then your treated like... read more
This website is so loaded with advertisements, you literally can not get through even 30 seconds of the videos about your developing baby without the video getting bumped out by some lame ad, then you... read more
I found BabyGaga when I was pregnant with my son in 2012. I was happy to talk read forums of expecting mothers and relate to them. Then there are the cliques of moms who team up on forums and just dra... read more
My sister told me about this site and I've tried numerous times to sign up. Every time I tried to sign up 5 minutes later the site owners DELETED my screen name! I tried to log in with no success. I d... read more
I don't even know what to say. We're not made of money. We can't afford to see dozens of doctors in multiple countries and run every test imaginable. They made a series of mistakes that led to the dea... read more
I recently bought a cupboard which was damaged. There is no number to call. Customer service kept emailing me different requirements when I just wanted an exchange. As soon as I sent what they asked t... read more
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