Hi Zara, I have a complaint that I would like to make. I have been to your shop at St Paul's at around 6.30pm. I purchased two shirts as I was about to leave the store I saw a little girl run by the door and run back in as she had a leopard skin purse in her hand that she must have forgotten she had with her. She was with two adults. The adults or security guard did not see this. I did and smiled to myself. At the same time of me approaching the door the alarm peeped. The security guard asked to check my Zara bag and receipt. He checked this and proceeded to ask to check my hand bag I said that he was not allowed to check my handbag and why was he asking to do so. I then give him the shopping I had purchased and swang my handbag and coat by the door. The alarm did not sound. He went towards me as if he was going to take my bag.He insisted on searching my bag even though I said he could not. I was walking away from him. He went to grab my bag due to the scene that was caused I gave him the bag. I was on total shock and believe and nearly in tears. In all my life I have never been treated like this.I understand he has a role to play. I have worked in retail previously, however when the alarm did not sound when I swang my back and coat it should have been left there. I then went to complain to the team member on the till about my experience with the security guard I asked to check if there was any alarms on the shirts she confirmed that were none she had taken over from the man who had served me. I asked to speak to the manager. I did not get her name but she was really nice and listened to my concerns. I explained the situation in front of the security guard and that I felt that he profiled me. I have never experienced such embarrassment in all my life. Imagine if one of my colleagues or line manager saw me being searched at the shop entrance.I work in Mansion House. I was until today a regular shopper at Zara.Your company was until today my favourite shop. I would like to know what your policy is in regards to searching an individual's bag even when they have refused and further demonstrated that their personal bag has not alarmed when I swinged them by the door. I do not believe there was any justification for this. Your review of your cameras will see the whole incident. I found it interesting that he did not see the little girl running with the bag. I pointed the bag out to the manager. Also, very interesting that the alarm did not go off when I went through it in front of the manager and security. Your camera will show me going straight to the till and back to the front door with the line manager. I will be taking this matter further if you believe it is acceptable to treat you customers in this manner.