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1 review
0 helpful votes

Absolute lemon
November 28, 2019

I have ordered and prepayed 4 items, of which this unspeakable not-a-shop-at-all delivered 1 only. Then they started to string me along by saying first: oh, your ordered itmes aren't in stock and won't ever be again so, please, do use this other RELIABLE website and order new items instead of the prepayed, yet undekivered ones. Then again, again and again: oh, sorry, in spite of these being on the "reliable" website as "in stock", weeeell, they aren't. And for such answers I had to prompt them by e-mails because by themselves they wouldn't have notified me. After the 4th or fifth such incident I got fed up and suspicious that they just want to ovorstep the Paypal deadline so I'd lose to them my prepaid sum so I demanded back the price of the undelivered items and their handling, administrative and posting fee since those hadn't happened too. At the same time I started a partial refund process at Paypal since this co hasn't given me a single reason to trust them. Again the co has promised a refund within 3 days, than 10 days later AGAIN AT MY PROMPTING they wrote back that oh, with my paypal refund claim they have stopped their refund WITHOUT NOTIFYING ME. That was about 6 weks ago, since then there goes the paypal refund story because paypal strted out with full refund which is not my case. Meanwhile the co has asked me by e-mail to stop my paypal claim without giving any reason to it. Then some guy called Aron called me from Jerushalem and tried to feed me, that oh, it's really not their fault to take prepayments over items they don't actually know if they are in stock or not. A heartfelt retching to him and to all this rigmarole that can hardly be called a business but rather a scam. Not a single positive experience throughout this story, only mazochists with funds for throwing them out of the window should be "customers" of this site of horrors. I have all the screenshots of the e-mails between us for proof.

Date of experience: November 28, 2019