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1 review
2 helpful votes

I received a diaper cake last week that I had ordered...
October 27, 2011

I received a diaper cake last week that I had ordered almost a month before. It had been on back order. Unfortunately, it was absolutely not was was represented on the website. The thing that was delivered to my door was atrocious. I couldn't have been more dis-satisfied with this purchase and to think, I paid $139.57 including shipping for a diaper cake that wasn't even something that I can use for my daughter's baby shower. The list below shows the problems with the diaper cake that they sent to me.

1. Diapers are folded around one another, which looks terrible, instead of being individually rolled as the picture indicates on your website.
2. The elephant is way to big for such a small diaper cake and is hanging from the side of the cake.
3. The brown/polka dot ribbon, blue/polka dot ribbon and the green/polka dot ribbon are all too wide for the bottom row of the cake and again, not what was shown on the online picture.
4. The cake I ordered was supposed to be a two layer cake with small ribbons and cute flower bows on the top layer. I got a three layer cake with a wide green/polka dot ribbon on center row and three more wide ribbons on the top or third row. Those aren't what was represented on the website either.
5. The entire diaper cake is lop-sided and very poorly constructed.
6. The large ribbon on the bottom of the cake is too long and bows aren't tightened properly of fastened properly to the ribbon.
7. There are visible gold colored push pins on the back of the ribbon where they were attached to hold the ribbons in place on back side of the cake... looks very unprofessional.
8. Bows on top and bottom tier do not even line up with each tier and the little flowers are not on the cake either. Not was was represented online.
9. Bows on the baby power are not bows at all instead, it's an undone ribbon just hanging there.
10. The, what looks like a free-sample of Desitin hanging off the side of the cake is ridiculous and makes the cake look even cheaper than it already does from the front.

After sending an email to the company wanting my money back, the personal attacks began. They sent me an email telling me I was RIDICULOUS, what they sent me was beautiful... etc. I decided to contact PayPal and then after filing a claim, more personal insults started. They called me a liar, said I am spoiled and that I can't read. At this point, I was glad that I opened the claim with PayPal because I knew that I wasn't going to get anywhere with the company wittletahangs. I am going to be receiving a full refund and have found a local vendor to do a diaper cake. I DO NOT RECOMMEND ANYONE purchase anything from this company.

Date of experience: October 27, 2011