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1 review
0 helpful votes

Fuentes Lucero 575 Lucero Albert J
December 21, 2024

I was Extremely Skeptical about this Platform. I kept being advised by another Woman in the WhatsApp Business online to follow directions from my Trainer. Consequently since I've been out of Employment from MacDonalds in 2013 and now that I'm officially receiving my Financial Assistance from Dept of Health and Human Services. I don't have a Caregiver or Rollator to hold myself up while Im walking. Nor do either of us have a Vehicle to drive ourselves around. By the Time it took me to Earn my Wages and help my Future Beloved Wife to Pay the Rent to this Slumlord Mr Mark Simonson. Her Stove gave out. The front two Burners. Not only that. Yet we don't even have the Luxury to afford paying for a Bigger and Better Apt or even afford a House. I'm trying to get her away from her Current Employer At Cubby's. Not only is she a Sexist Towards Men. She has lost other Employees because of the way she is. And my Earthly Father Mr Abel Ernesto Castellano ain't no Better. A Job is A Job. I don't have any where else to Stay. She is the only Mother/Lady that allowed me to leave Colo Springs Co and avoid staying at the Shelter here in Fremont NE. Or even El Paso County Colo Springs Co. I've had to file Several Grievances against them. It didn't do any good. I'm praying Diligently that My Work gets Noticed by Online Employers. I may not an Experienced Notorious Hacker. To stop Ransomware from Spreading. My Father Mr Castellano already threatened me. I don't show up to his Funeral. I ain't getting anything from him. Why should it matter. Mr Ron Reed and his assistants Mr Jeremy Scott and Mr Eff Burke walked around where I was staying and eventually found my belongings. It didn't even like this Online Business was helping me purchase Groceries or Get us a Bigger Apt around the Corner. What I would have given to See Ms Cassandra Swain and Ms Jessica Peterson Mr Ron Reed and Ron Foster II along with His assistant Mr Eff Burke in a Coma for grabbing my Belongings and Disposing them. To Fully and Successfully upload this StuxNet Virus to the SSA Servers the Admin will be forced to Rely on me for Further Attacks. And Urgent me to Apply better Security Measures for our Residence and Company. They will Deeply Apologize and be More Sincere about making sure I'm Inheriting my Father's Account and all his Property plus a lot more. And put an end to Human n Drug Trafficking.

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Date of experience: December 20, 2024