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2 reviews
0 helpful votes

Think carefully before you enter a contract with this company
May 23, 2024

My experience with them over the last
15 months has been painful, I deeply regret ever signing with them.

Here are some examples of why...

1. From the very 1st sales call trying to get me to sign, i was told things like
"some companies will charge you £150 every year for a transfer notice, but we dont, we charge you £100 once"
Im with Biffa now, my transfer notice is free.

Or, "some companies will charge you X amount for 1 bin, but we wont, we charge you less"
I now have 2 bins with Biffa at only £10 more than what they charged for 1 bin.

2. They delivered the bin to my neighbouring business, and asked him to sign for it, he explains its not for him, and directed them to my door, but they couldnt be bothered, and left the bin without any signature outside his door.
My neighbour came to complain about them to me.

The bin was filthy, covered in green mould, and I couldn't unlock it.
I sent photos and waited for another one.
I complained about the care they gave to a brand new customer, and requested a small token gesture from them as I was paying for a service that I couldnt use.
They refused, and were unapologetic saying it wasnt their fault, their partner company supplied it. But I was paying them the money.

One colection morning they somehow badly damaged the bin picking it up, so badly the lid wouldnt shut, I couldnt lock it and someone else put their rubbish in my bin.

I sent photos, and asked for a small token gesture again, didnt think it fair me paying for someone elses rubbish as it was their fault.
They refused, as they didnt do it.

I asked how is it possible your staff can damage a bin so badly, obviously beyond use and not say anything, just put it back as if no one would notice?
They replied they knew nothing about it so cant really comment.

3. I told them numerous times throughout the year that I dont want to be in a contract with them, but they auto renewed it anyway as apparently I told them too early.
They were aware I did not want another contract, but ignored it knowing it wasnt within a specific 30 day window as stated in the small print.

Ive just had to pay them £484 for 1 bin collection and to get out of the new contract that I didnt want.

I have more examples, what ive described only happened in the 1st couple of months, but surely thats more than enough already.

In my experience with them, it made me wonder if they put more effort into trying to catch you out on technicalities and swerve balling complaints than they put into just supplying a simple good service.

In my experience, it has felt like they were actively searching ways they can shaft you, as long as it isnt actually breaking a law, you are fair game.

You have been warned

Date of experience: May 23, 2024