92 reviews for Walgreens are not recommended
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1 review
0 helpful votes

Oh wow, really bad
January 3, 2025

Wow, I stuck this out for a year hoping things would get better and they only get worse. RX's often out of stock, seems seldom they are filled by date promised. Being shorted on RX amounts. I tried to manipulate this by ordering early, even before my insurance would pay so RX's would be in on time. Still, many were often late, and I've had several times I've just had to go without my RX's for a couple days. I believe most of the employees are good people. It seems to be the Walgreens RX company. They don't seem to support their employees and provide them with products to support the demand. Cold and flu season I know but I had these same problems before. They don't seem to provide them with enough employees to support the operations. The lines seem to be uncommonly long both through the drive-thru and inside at the pharmacy. You can easily wait 30-40 minutes in either line trying to pick up RX's. Furthermore, it's highly probable if you have multiple scripts to pick up, some will be ordered and unavailable for pickup. Case and point, just last night while seated waiting to see if the pharmacist was able to fill two important RX's I was promised the day before, I watched 7 customers come to the counter. 6 of the 7 did not receive all their RX's and were told they would have to come back when they had more in. These were not just cold/flu related medications. To top that off, there is no HIPPA compliancy. I was able to hear every conversation with customers and if the people in store that were in line were paying attention, they could hear the conversations as well. I can tell you what woman picked up her Valtrex RX. That is a herpes medication which I am sure the lady didn't want everyone to know what she was getting. Another gentleman picked up, among other medications, his Sildenafil script to help with erectile disfunction issues. Again, I am sure the gentleman didn't care for that to be common knowledge. Out of all the customers at the counter picking up, there was only one customer that I didn't hear, at least the name of one of the scripts they were picking up. This is a shame. The poor employees are inundated with upset customers. You take that day-in, day-out and it will jade even some of the best natured employees. Watch just a little bit and you will easily see the toxic work environment employees are enduring. I'd further comment on the negative comments employees make about the company they work for, but I don't care to risk their livelihood. I am going to leave with this: last night I wrote a sincere letter to Walgreens explaining why I had made the decision to move my scripts elsewhere. I explained to them the issues, filled out their form correctly and wished them success in solving their problems and becoming a decent company again. Around 4:45 am I received an AI generated response telling me how important I was but that they couldn't help me because I didn't submit two required pieces of information. I replied and explained that I did include that information. Did I ever get a response from something other than a problematic and inaccurate AI bot? Nope. I am done with Walgreens, and you should be too unless you care to risk like type experiences.

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Date of experience: January 2, 2025
92 reviews for Walgreens are not recommended