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1 review
9 helpful votes

Poor client follow-through
December 18, 2019

12/18/19 In one year as a member on the site, I booked about a dozen jobs and made nearly $6,000. So I clearly earned back my $500 membership fee and then some. I read for just over 800 jobs. Over 200 of those jobs never closed, meaning that for whatever reason, the clients never picked a winning candidate. That could have been because projects were canceled, they found voice talent elsewhere, etc. But voices.com really emphasizes that you should be booking between 2% and 7% of your auditions. Since roughly 25% of the jobs I read for never closed, my booking rate was negatively affected. I left voices.com after a year strictly and only because of this reason. Cameron Pocock? Yes, as many here have said, very nice guy. He indicated several times in our two conversations that my low booking rate was due to issues on MY end... audio quality, my ''announcerish'' voice, my cover letters, or my demo page. I never really bought any of that because I've always done really well in voiceovers (going back to 1976) Cameron did have several great suggestions, but ultimately, none of them could compel 25% of clients to pick a candidate and close their jobs out. Interestingly, while the site was insistent that my low booking rate was due to a number of factors, they also tried several times to upsell me on their $3,000 annual membership. ''Hey, you're not booking a whole lotta jobs, sir, but if you'll spend MORE money with us, maybe that'll help.'' I never quite believed that. Cameron, and most of the other folks, with whom I dealt on the site were really nice, but I have found voiceover income to be consistent and equally lucrative by doing business on a couple of similar sites AND with local radio/tv. Voices.com features some very strong VO talent, and I did feel honored to win a job for Budweiser while I was a member there. The site isn't perfect. You have to read for a sh**load of jobs in order to book work. While they really emphasize the importance of a demo page, I never booked ONE job as a result of having the page. Ultimately, you book jobs on the site by auditioning. Thankfully, when you do book a job on voices.com, it can pay extremely well. If voices.com can convince more clients to pick a VO talent for jobs, I'd certainly return as a member. Scott T

Date of experience: December 18, 2019