This formerly great office has gone downhill with a nasty Admin front phone lady. The Doctors and medical staff were very good, however, a bad egg in the front office and a very woke office manager ruins the whole office.
The first bad experience was in Mid June when said office person chose to start an argument with my wife, another MD about how her Doctor will not be able to do a proper physical in her automobile! Clearly, this lady does not know how to respectfully address another Doctor that has been practicing over 30 years!
Second bad experience was yesterday, 8/4/22 when I called in for needed bloodwork for a young, adult with moderately severe autism. Because of his autism, to get dental work done, he must be sedated and therefore requires a physical with his Primary Doc and the bloodwork to clear just like any other surgery procedure. So the Dentist wrote out what tests the Doctor needed in the bloodwork for the anesthesia that was needed. Now mind you, since it is done in the hospital it is a big headache to get scheduled. When I was assigned that precious date for the dental work by the dentist and the hospital the bloodwork needs to be completed within two weeks before procedure now scheduled for August 19. So time is now precious. What happens next? I call for the appointment explain that we need an appointment for bloodwork and to see Dr. DiFiglio to clear for surgery. Same lady who was unprofessional with my wife now turns unprofessional with me. She promptly turns me away. Telling me they don't do bloodwork for other Doctors there. I immediately told her the Doctor has done this before and it is routine. She very nastily tells me "Well, things have changed". At that point, realizing she may have recognized my wife's last name and was going out of her way to give me a hard time I lost it. I said yeah, you have changed, "Your practice sucks", and hung up. I then went down there to confront them. When I came in I refused to put a mask on and demanded to speak to the practice manager. I saw one of the ladies that has always done her job taking care of me and went to talk to her and complain. Mind you, my voice was elevated because I was upset about my Autistic Step son's procedure being ruined. I did not curse, but did call the woman a Bimbo which was actually very kind for the person she was after how she treated us. In the discussion we were joined by Dr. Difiglio who looked at the paperwork and said, no problem, we can do this. So in the end I was right. I apologized profusely for coming in upset, even though that was not necessary on my part.
Later in the day about 4:55 PM. I received a phone call from the so called Practice Manager and told her what happened. Well, office manager told me not to come back that she was dismissing me from their practice even though the person was wrong, because I used the word Bimbo, I also refused to wear a mask because I was already hyperventilating from being so distraught. I happened to like my Doctor who is part of this office. So in the end they have hurt a me, the caregiver for a family with a difficult situation as it is. What a bully. Now I have to find a new Doctor. At least the Doc will still see our Son in time for his procedure. This world has turned upside down. People used to be a lot better than this. She told me I would be getting a certified letter from her attorney. How nice of them.
If you can get past the office manager and the nasty phone lady, the Docs and Medical staff are good.